Blogger pemula mau curhat

Aku pilih blogger pemula tapi kalau dilihat dari umur blog yang sudah sejak 2009 sudah nongkrong di dunia perbloggeran harusnya sudah tergolong matang and expert tapi pada kenyataannya masih banyak yang perlu aku pelajari karena memang aku pemula. Mau curhat dikit mengenai mengapa suka ngeblog sebagai ungkapan blogger pemula mau curhat.

Dahulu kala tahu tentang blog itu dari dosen namanya Pak Wisnu, dikasih tugas suruh bikin blog (mata kuliah pengenalan teknik informatika). Well.. menurutku tu pengenalan yang baik karena sebelumnya aku memang nol besaaarrrr kalau masalah dunia komputer dan segala tetek bengeknya. Waktu dikasih tugas berhasil membuat blog kok kayaknya susah banget yah bikin blog masa itu? Apa cuma perasaanku? Kapan sih itu? Itu sekitar tahun 2006 disaat aku baru ngerti internet, aku dulu emang udik sama dunia internet soalnya aku dari SMA kampung and internet tuh nggak semudah aksesnya kayak sekarang. Dahulu kala kalau pengen ngerasaain internet kudu ke warnet kalau sekarang sih HP juga dah pada bisa ngenet. Dan dahulu kala sebenernya waktu SMP juga dah pada ngomongin email dan sebagainya tapi dasarnya aku yang udik+nggak pernah dikasih uang saku ya tetep aja nggak tahu internet. Tapi bahagianya aku soalnya aku masih ngerasaain pake komputer pentium jadul, nggak tau pentium apa ya pokoknya dulu kalau mau mengoperasikan komputer kudu pake disket. hehehe. Kembali lagi ke pak Wisnu, waktu pak Wisnu nyuruh kami buat blog kok nggak diiming-imingi kalau ngeblog bisa menghasilkan duit, coba kalau dikasih tahu mungkin sejak itu sudah aktif ngeblog. Kembali lagi masalah ekonomi, kalau jaman dulu kan internet masih mahal jadi kudu ke warnet 1 jam ngenet di warnet Rp 3000 dapet apa? Nothing! So meskipun diiming-imingi ngeblog bisa hasilin duit tetep aja gigit jari soalnya nggak kuat biaya warnetnya.

Kemudian setelah mengenal internet sedikit jauh soalnya dah biasa chating, tiba-tiba ding sobatku dari seberang samudra dari luar negeri sana nyapa and pamer kalau ngeblog bisa menghasilkan duit. Langsung ngiler-ngiler deh denger ceritanya. Disaat itu ada sedikit keberuntungan karena rumah yang kutempati pasang internet, setapak demi setapak aku belajar ngeblog. Eh...sobatku bilang yang bisa menghasilkan duit tuh blog bahasa Inggris. Yah... buat baru lagi deh... Adiknya ini. Dari sekian tahun berlalu postingan harusnya sudah seabrek-abrek tapi pada kenyataanya masih bisa diitung. Tapi recehan ngglinding ke blog sudah mulai nampak. Lumayan...bisa buat beli pulsa and bantu biaya skripsi. Sedikit-sedikit dan focus dan tetep update katanya kalau mau banyak dollarnya. Tapi aku masih belum bisa focus, masih lebih suka nurutin mood, kalau moodnya dapet buat update blog ya update tapi kalau nggak dapet ya sudah biarkan si blog terbengkalai. Blog ini nih salah satunya blog yeng berkali-kali mendapat judul blog yang terbengkalai. xixixixi. 

Ok bloggerwan and bloggerwati tetep semangat ngeblognya. Recehan tetep ngglinding kok kalau rajin update. Segitu dulu curhat kali ini suatu saat bakal curhat lagi. hihihi.

Breaking Down Part 2

Breaking Down is the 4th and last book of twilight saga, in movie Breaking Down divide into 2 parts. The part 1 of Breaking Down movie is about the wedding, honeymoon and Bella transform (Renesmee born). In the Breaking Down part 2 it must be about Bela enjoying to be new vampire and her new power, Renesmee growing and the battle with Voltaire family. As I remember from the book the battle quite interesting because Edward invite his family's friends to help him. Many kind vampires around the world will come and each of them has supper power like electric power, water binding and others. In this battle amount of werewolf also greater than before because it is like curse when the vampire greater then the werewolf will be greater. 

In part 2 Bella also can control her power, her power is about creating protection like shield. This shield will grow bigger and larger, before its only protect her self then in the battle she already success control it to shield all the group. And Bella also can control about her protection whenever she want. This shield can't protect from physical power but it can protect from power like mind reading, torment which control like telepathy and other (something not physical).

What the battle is? The battle is about Voltaire family afraid that Renesmee is like immortal child vampire which which get infection when still kid. Vampire body is not growing (older) and child is hard to control so it will be a danger for vampire clans so it must be destroyed. Well... I think part 2 is more interesting than other Twilight Saga stories. For who hate Twilight Saga because it is too much romantic or because Edward is too perfect as a man or whatever their reason, part 2 of Breaking Down I think worth to watch.

Here is Breaking Down Part 2 Theatrical Trailer:

Lady Gaga proud to be fat

Maybe the title of "Lady Gaga proud to be fat" is too much controversial but if an actress or a model gained 25 pounds usually it will become disaster but not for an eccentric singer Lady Gaga, gaining 25 pounds it doesn't matter for her. She is proud and enjoy with it, it is positive thinking but I think not for public figure because their body is their asset that is why they doing everything to make their self always look good looking.

They said that Lady Gaga having suffered from eating disorders since she was 15, the 26-year-old says: 'This is who I am and I'm proud at any size.' Well she really admitting that she gained 25 pounds and not bothered with that. She is so proud with her body which already gained 25 pounds by flaunting her curves on her blog.

Blaming her father's new Italian eatery in New York for her fuller figure is just like a joke. 'I love eating pasta and pizza,' Gaga told NY radio host Elvis Duran.
'I'm a New York Italian girl.
'My father opened a restaurant. It's so amazing... It's so freaking delicious, but I'm telling you I gain five pounds every time I go there.
'I really don't feel bad about it, not even for a second.' 

Ehm... good thinking, but not recommended. Here are photos of Lady Gaga flaunting her curve in her blog.

What we know about Anne Hathaway wedding?

Media thought that Anne Hathaway would not getting married this year because she is so busy with The Dark Night Rises and Les Miserables. But it is like shock that she just getting married in September 29, 2012. Well... Only few guests that be invited and I'm not the lucky one who have been invited too. 

Just curious with the wedding dress look like then I was surfing through internet hope I will get good and complete detail. But like I was thought it still hard to get the wedding dress detail. Anna Hathaway who played princess but that was not regal as her wedding day. 

Here some snapshot which I got from many source, ehm... they said if you took something from many source then it is legal because it is research while if you only took from 1 source then it is illegal because it is plagiarism. Then I'm not the one who become plagiarism because I took from many sources. 

What we know about Anna Hathaway gorgeous wedding day?
1. The groom is Adam Shulman, he was an actor and a jewelry designer. 
2. Anne and Adam had been dating for over four years before saying “I do”.
3. Adam engage Anne about 1 year ago.
4. The wedding ceremony took place on a private residence in Big Sur, Calif in front of 180 guests and some pretty rustic décor.
5. The ceremony held with Jews ceremony.
6. The ceremony was held when Sunset.
7. The wedding planner is Yifat Oren and the nuptials organizer is Natalie Portman‘s (which took place in Big Sur as well)
8. The rehearsal dinner took place at the Ventana Inn and Spa.
9. Anne Hathaway wedding dress designed by Valentino. The gown something like a dreamy, gauzy ball gown with lots of tulle involved, and it looks like some or all of it was subtly patterned. Anne also wore a dramatic headpiece and veil. Adam looked ravishing as well in a classic tux.
10. The decor was simple and rustic to fit the natural setting of the ceremony.
11. And here are check out that dress:

May they have a very happy life together.

'Breaking Dawn'-Twilight Saga: Global countdown to final poster

Woa... For the lover of Twilight Saga will be happy but also will be sad as the end of The Twilight Saga (Breaking Down Part 2) gets ever nearer (47 days!), Summit is showing no signs of slowing its momentum on an extravagant, globally-minded marketing campaign. Echoing Breaking Dawn — Part 2‘s assembly of international vampire covens, the series’ final one-sheet poster will be revealed progressively throughout different international time zones, Cullen-minating with a dramatic reveal at “dawn” (or, more precisely 9 a.m. PT) on Tuesday, Oct. 2.
Leveraging a combined 40.4 million Likes on Facebook, the campaign kicks off at 1 p.m. PT Monday (8 a.m. Tuesday in New Zealand), with the reveal of the first portion of the poster at Twilight‘s Facebook HQ . Every four hours, another section will hit Facebook’s various Twilight pages until the countdown circles back to where it started. 

The full schedule:
1 p.m. PT (8 a.m. Tuesday, New Zealand): Section 1 revealed at Twilight‘s Facebook page
5 p.m. PT (9 a.m. Tuesday, Tokyo): Section 2 revealed at New Moon‘s Facebook page
9 p.m .PT (8 a.m. Tuesday, Dubai): Section 3 revealed at Eclipse‘s Facebook page
1 a.m. PT (9 a.m. London): Section 4 revealed at Breaking Dawn‘s Facebook page
5 a.m. PT (9 a.m. Buenos Aires): Section 5 revealed at Facebook pages for Edward, Bella, and Jacob
9 a.m. PT: Full poster unveiled at Twilight‘s Facebook page
Tickets for Breaking Dawn — Part 2 (and a Nov. 15 Twilight Saga marathon) go on sale Oct. 1.

I did read the story of Breaking Down and I want to see the movie too but I hope the movie will be better than the book. Don't want to regret because it is the last story of Twilight Saga.